Bulk Liquid ElectrochemistryVideo Spotlight

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Replicating bulk electrochemistry experiments in-situ in the TEM

Hummingbird Scientific’s newest Generation V Bulk in-situ liquid-electrochemistry holder allows researchers for the first time to fully replicate bulk-level electrochemical details inside the transmission electron microscope. A newly developed hardware system allows quantitative measurements of electrochemical processes with details showing the complete cycle of the bulk.

As  an illustration, a cyclic voltammetry (CV) study of a model compound CuSO4  solution showing plating and stripping of copper from the active electrode has been presented here. The copper plating and stripping occurs at the  working electrode, replicating actual bulk behavior.

Video: In-situ liquid cell TEM copper plating and stripping from CuSO4  solution. Inset shows corresponding CV curve representing the video.

HBS internal data obtained in collaboration with Rui Filipe Serra Maia and Eric Stach at the University of Pennsylvania.