Training Classes

Hummingbird Scientific is continuing training classes this fall! During these training classes we perform hardware use, workflow for experimental set up, and best practices for image acquisition with hands-on instruction. Classes will be focused on either liquid cell holders, gas cell holders, or biasing-manipulator holders.

These training classes are helpful for researchers who want to refresh their skills or for users who are new to the tool and need initial training. If you have specific experimental challenges that you would like to solve for planned or ongoing experiments, let us know so we can discuss ahead of time how best to help you.

We are currently gauging interest for classes in the month of October (weeks of 10/28, 11/04, 11/11, and 11/18 – the exact weeks will be set based on the most requested week by people signing up for a particular holder) for the following in-situ holder classes: liquid cell TEM holder, gas cell TEM holder and biasing-manipulator TEM holder.

Liquid Cell training course dates:

  • Fall 2024: TBD 10/28-11/22

Liquid holder training class agenda

Gas Cell training course dates:

  • Fall 2024: TBD 10/28-11/22

Gas holder training class agenda

Nano-Manipulator training course dates:

  • Fall 2024: TBD 10/28-11/22

All training classes cost $1950 per user.

Please complete the form below for more information about our training classes:

Training class dates are subject to cancellation if insufficient users register for a particular class date.