Electrical BiasingHow It Works

Board Contact

This contact configuration features a  reusable removable sample board carrier.  As a result, researchers can prepare the sample directly on the board, which is then placed into the holder tip for a quick connection to an electrical connector with up to 8 contacts. Samples up to 3 x 6mm in size can be mounted on the standard board carrier. Electrical connections between the chip and the carrier are made using ultra-sonic wire bonding, allowing for at flexible connection between the contacts and the chip. Contact us for custom board configurations.

Direct Chip Contact

This contact configuration features a single chip that is directly inserted into the holder via a proprietary connector with up to 9 electrical contacts. The sample is prepared directly on the standard sample substrate chip.  Pre-patterned metal leads lead up to the electron transparent membrane onto which the sample is built. Contact us for more information on electrical biasing and sample heating chips for this holder.