Category: News Post

In-situ acidic and reductive akaganeite nanorod dissolution under LPTEM
How can both acidic and reductive solution chemistry slow particle dissolution? Lili Liu, James D...Read More
Bi2O3 catalysts restructure into Bi nanosheets in the presence of electrolyte
How do Bi nanoparticles restructure under CO2 reduction reaction conditions? Beatriz Ávila-Bolí...Read More
Synthesizing 2D structures by heating sequentially-layered metal thin films
How can 2D materials and alloys be engineered from more easily fabricated metal films? Michael Mo...Read More
Fused multi-modal electron tomography for low-dose chemical mapping
How can electron tomography signals be combined to reduce beam exposure? Jonathan Schwartz, Rober...Read More
Surface-bound soot particles restructure differently from airborne particles
How do surface-bound soot particles aggregate differently from airborne particles? Chao Chen, Dmi...Read More
PRoD Rh2P nanoparticles increase photocathode stability/activity in acid
Can nanoparticle depositions improve the long-term stability of photocathodes in acidic environments...Read More
Local electrical resistivity measured at nanoscale using operando electron holography
Can local electrical resistivity be mapped at the nanoscale? Leifeng Zhang, Christophe Gatel, and...Read More
Operando liquid electrochemistry using graphene membrane working electrode
How can graphene be used as a working electrode in liquid-electrochemical microscopy? Saltanat To...Read More
Cu-Ir nanoshells remain stable, catalytically efficient at high temperature
How do copper and iridium alloy to form efficient and stable catalyst nanoparticles? Alexandre Fo...Read More
245th ECS Meeting
Join Hummingbird Scientific at the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA Hummingbird Scientific ...Read More
Tuning nanowire superstructures during self-assembly using precursor flux ratios
How precisely can the microstructure of nanowires be engineered? Gaurav Modi, Ritesh Agarwal, and...Read More
Nanoscale observation of ouzo effect: droplet emulsion dynamics
Curious how the ouzo effect manifests at nanoscale? Maria Vratsanos, Nathan Gianneschi, and their...Read More