Furnace Heating

Atomic resolution, reliable performance

Technical Specs

 1500 Series ETEM TEM
Max Operating Temperature
800°C 1000°C
Settled resolution at 800ºC
Up to TEM resolution Up to TEM resolution
Temperature Measurement Direct Thermocouple Direct Thermocouple
Tilt Range Up to ±45° depending on objective pole Up to ±45° depending on objective pole
Cooling at High Temperatures Passive Conduction (No Liquid Cooling) Passive Conduction (No Liquid Cooling)
Furnace Material Non-Magnetic and Chemically Inert Non-Magnetic and Chemically Inert

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Featured Research

In-situ TEM Catalysis

One of the most exciting and promising areas of TEM-based research is the in-situ observation of materials interacting with gaseous environments. This research includes studies into the effect of gaseous overpressures on the shape, structure, defects, and electronic activity of a material.  It is perhaps most critical to the study of catalysis because it allows researchers to observe on the atomic scale how catalysts respond to their environment while they are active.

Right: Microstructural changes as a function of the gas environment of an Fe catalyst, shown in sequential high-resolution transmission electron micrographs:

  • (A to C) Size evolution of Fe catalysts after 60 min under H2 (A), He (B), and Ar (C) at 500°C and 500 mtorr.
  • (D to F) Series of images from the same two Fe catalyst particles held at 500°C, as the gas overpressure changes from (D) 500 mtorr He to (E) 500 mtorr Ar to (F) 500 mtorr He.
  • (G to I) Series of images from a larger Fe catalyst particle along a 110 zone axis:
  • (G) Image taken in 500 mtorr He at 500°C, showing very strong {111} facets. The inset diffractogram confirms the zone axis orientation.
  • (H) After the introduction of Ar, local degradation of the facets begins.
  • (I) With further time at 500°C in the Ar environment, the facet has been completely removed.

For all cases, the H2O with base pressure of 10-2 mtorr is present. Arrows in (H) and (I) indicate the gradual defaceting features over time.

Reference: A.R. Harutyunyan, G. Chen,T.M. Paronyan, E.M. Pigos, O.A. Kuznetsov, K. Hewaparakrama, S.M. Kim, D. Zakharov, E.A. Stach, G.U. Sumanasekera. “Preferential Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Metallic Conductivity,” Science 326 (2009) pp. 116–120. Abstract

Image Copyright © 2009, American Association for the Advancement of Science


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A high-resolution transmission electron movie of Fe catalyst as a function of gas environment shows Fe particles undergoing reversible shape changes following a switch from He/H2O to Ar/H2O gas at 500°C.

Reference: A.R. Harutyunyan, G. Chen,T.M. Paronyan, E.M. Pigos, O.A. Kuznetsov, K. Hewaparakrama, S.M. Kim, D. Zakharov, E.A. Stach, G.U. Sumanasekera. “Preferential Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Metallic Conductivity,” Science 326 (2009) pp. 116–120. Abstract

Copyright © 2009, American Association for the Advancement of Science

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Selected Publications

F. F. Abdeljawad. “Microstructural evolution of thin polycrystalline metallic films under extreme conditions,”DOE Technical Report (2019) Abstract
O. K. Donaldson, K. Hattar, T. Kaub, G. B. Thompson, and J. R. Trelewicz. “Solute stabilization of nanocrystalline tungsten against abnormal grain growth,”Journal of Materials Research (2017) Abstract
C. A. Taylor, D. C. Bufford, B. R. Muntifering, D. Senor, M. Steckbeck, J. Davis, B. Doyle, D. Buller, and K. M. Hattar. “In Situ TEM Multi-Beam Ion Irradiation as a Technique for Elucidating Synergistic Radiation Effects,”Materials (2017) Abstract
B. Muntifering, P.-A. Juan, R. Dingreville, J. Qu, and K. Hattar. “In Situ TEM Self-Ion Irradiation and Thermal Aging of Optimized Zirlo,”Microscopy and Microanalysis (2016) Abstract
B. Muntifering, Y. Fang, A. C. Leff, A. Dunn, J. Qu, M. L. Taheri, R. Dingreville, and K. Hattar. “In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy He+ implantation and thermal aging of nanocrystalline iron,”J. Nucl. Mater (2016) Abstract
B. Muntifering, R. Dingreville, K. Hattar, and J. Qu. “Electron Beam Effects during In-Situ Annealing of Self-Ion Irradiated Nanocrystalline Nickel,” MRS Online Proceedings Library (2015) Abstract
B.R. Muntifering, A. Dunn, R.P. Dingreville, J. Qu, K.M. Hattar. “In-Situ TEM He+ Implantation and Thermal Aging of Nanocrystalline Fe,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (2015) Abstract
C. Ngo, and S. Kodambaka. “In situ Microscopy Studies of Liquid Gallium Droplet Dynamics,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (2014) Abstract
L. He, J.P. Chu, C.L. Li, C.M. Lee, Y.C. Chen, P.K. Liaw, P.M. Voyles. “Effects of Annealing on the Compositional Heterogeneity and Structure in Zirconium-Based Bulk Metallic Glass Thin Films,” Thin Solid Films (2014) Abstract
S.M. Kim, S. Jeong, and H.C. Kim. “Investigation of Carbon Nanotube Growth Termination Mechanism by In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Approaches,” Carbon Letters (2013) Abstract
M. Pozuelo, S. Prikhodko, X. Zhang, J. Park, R. Koc, and S. Kodambaka. “In Situ TEM Study of Chemical and Structural Transformation of Carbon Coated Titania Nanoparticles,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (2011) Abstract
S.M. Kim, C.L. Pint, P.B. Amama, R.H. Hauge, B. Maruyama, E.A. Stach. “Catalyst and catalyst support morphology evolution in single-walled carbon nanotube supergrowth: Growth deceleration and termination,” Journal of Material Resolution (2010) Abstract
A.R. Harutyunyan, G. Chen, T.M. Paronyan, E.M. Pigos, O.A. Kuznetsov, K. Hewaparakrama, S.M. Kim, D. Zakharov, E.A. Stach, G.U. Sumanasekera. “Preferential Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Metallic Conductivity,” Science (2009) Abstract


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