Journal of Materials Research publishes review article on in-situ TEM of battery materials


The February 14 issue of Journal of Materials Research  has a special focus on In-situ and Operando Characterization of Materials and features an invited review of in-situ TEM and spectroscopy of rechargeable batteries under dynamic conditions titled “In situ transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy studies of rechargeable batteries under dynamic operating conditions: A retrospective and perspective view”.  It describes the progress in in-situ (liquid) electrochemistry research for battery applications from the early 2000’s to now and shows the important role Hummingbird Scientific’s in-situ TEM holders have played in this.  The content of this review and other papers is now freely available for download.

Figures combined
LEFT: Schematic drawing showing a cross section of the liquid-cell battery by creating a reaction center between the two microchips. RIGHT:In situ liquid-cell TEM observation of the lithiation of Cu-coated Si (Cu–Si) nano-wires. Figure (a): This is a TEM image showing the pristine state of the Cu–Si nano-wires at 0 seconds, and figure (b) core–shell formation of the Cu–Si nano-wires during lithiation at 2462 s. Images Copyright © 2015, Journal of Materials Research.


Learn more about the Liquid Elelectrochemistry Sample Holder used in the experiment

 Chong-Min Wang (2015). In situ transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy studies of rechargeable batteries under dynamic operating conditions: A retrospective and perspective view. Journal of Materials Research, 30, pp 326-339. doi:10.1557/jmr.2014.281.

Journal of Materials Research Paper

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